seasons of lovely

All the fall things….

It’s finally here, the loveliest, most darling season of them all…fall!

I get positively giddy at the word. For me the season represents all the beautiful things; crisp, delightful, scrumptious, cozy things!

Working at a farm, more specifically this time of year, a bountiful pumpkin patch, the spirit of autumn is not in short supply, my coworkers are equally as ecstatic, and my friends have come to appreciate my passion, if they did not already possess their own zeal from the beginning of our acquaintance.

At home, we all look forward to the shift in mentality that the season ushers in. The busy summer period is shelfed and logged in our memories, as our hearts and minds make the transition to a softer, more comfortable time of the year. Evenings at home again become the “new normal” and an appreciation for all things ordinary and simple is revived. A hot beverage is usually close at hand, and something drool-worthy is always baking or bubbling away on the stovetop, tempting our senses.

Most of our moments are unplanned this time of year, as that seems to be what we all desire, a slowing in pace and less restrictive schedule to just take time and “be”. However, while not knowing has it charms, there is always a list of autumnal delights that we plan to enjoy together while the season beckons for our participation; and this year we will add a few more bit & pieces to our traditions as our little man begins his exploration of the fall things.

~Autumn Delights~

drink one-let’s be honest, several-pumpkin spice lattes

mums for the entry

collecting pumpkins of all temperaments

gather a spectrum of leaves on our breezy evening walks

skip rocks by the river

apple picking in an orchard

shadow puppets by the light of candles

pumpkin scented candles everywhere!

Cider sip’n

play in the crispy fall leaves together

loaves, upon loaves of warm pumpkin bread

get lost in a corn maze

cozy blanket cuddles and warm sips

multiple trips to mama’s farm

seasonal viewings of You’ve Got Mail-The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown-& now Winnie the Pooh’s Blustery Day

pumpkin patch pick’n

get sticky fingers with fresh, gooey caramel apples

splash in a puddle

make many a dutch oven delight

craft a hand turkey of little man’s tiny dimpled fingers

roast pumpkin seeds

try new recipes with farm to table squash

re-enter the world of Hogwarts and all things Harry

football and fan moments

reading in bubba’s teepee

boo at the zoo

bonfires and smores

facetiming with those far-away

putting our phones down and recording these sweet days and happy bits of togetherness in our hearts.










3 thoughts on “seasons of lovely

  1. Not only is Autumn delightful and much cooler here in Las Vegas too, but you are delightful and what you wrote was really wonderful. It was the nicest thing I read all day. I’m going to go back and reread it and also share it on my most popular blog

    Greetings from Las Vegas, Nevada from Paulette Motzko.

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